When does the program start and how long does it run for?
The program is entirely on demand which means you can start anytime and go through it all at your own pace. You also get lifetime access to the entire program AND the private community. This means you have the flexibility to go through the classes at your own pace and your own schedule. No rush!
When are the live classes?
The program runs on-demand so you can start right away if you want and take as long as you need to enjoy the material. This also gives you the flexibility to go through the video classes at your own pace and your own schedule. No rush!
The live classes are held on Zoom every Monday at 7:30pm EST (New York/Toronto time). They will be approximately an hour long (depending on Q & A). They will all be recorded so you can join me live, or simply watch the recording whenever it's convenient for you.
When and where are the online classes?
The online classes are held every Wednesday on Zoom. We alternate times between 2pm and 7pm EST. Classes are held via Zoom.
The live classes will be approximately one hour in length depending on how many questions everyone has. Don’t worry if you have to miss some (or even all) of the live classes. Every class will be recorded so you can watch them whenever it’s convenient for you during the week and you won’t be behind!
I've tried so many diets and programs and none of them have ever worked long-term. How will this be any different?
There is one thing that almost every other program misses and that is addressing the root cause of our emotional eating, lack of willpower and bad habits. Other programs focus on WHAT you’re eating and how much, they may even talk a bit about meal planning and self-care. But, almost none of them really go under the surface and uncover WHY you’re eating the way you’re eating and help you do the work necessary to change those underlying factors. It’s like putting a Band-Aid over a splinter without removing the splinter first.
This is not another diet program. I don’t do BandAids. In Change Your Brain – Change Your Body we dig right down to the core root of the habits and behaviors that have been keeping you stuck for years, break them down and reprogram them for good!
I worry that I don't have the strength of willpower to really make these kinds of changes stick. How do you know I'll be able to do this?
There is no willpower required to do this work. All that’s required is a willingness to be open, honest and curious. In fact, the tools and strategies I’m going to teach you are designed to supercharge your willpower.
Once you dig under the surface and learn how to rewire and reprogram your thoughts, beliefs and habits around food – the cravings dissipate, your willpower multiplies and the food part naturally shifts. You can absolutely do this!
I don't need to lose weight. I just want to be able to eat better, feel healthier and more in control around food that I know isn't good for me. Is this program all about weight loss?
The goal of this program is to teach you the tools and strategies you need to transform your relationship with food. For some, their primary goal is weight loss, for others it’s improving the quality of their diet or just getting to a place where they use food for fuel rather than emotional comfort.
This program is about changing your mindset around food so that you can create a healthy, happy relationship with it that makes it easy for you to reach your specific goals.
I want to work on my mindset and emotional eating, but I also really need help understanding what I'm supposed to be eating. Will this program help me with that?
Absolutely. I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and we’ll be talking in detail about the program Eating Guidelines which are designed specifically to support women’s health as we age. We’ll be talking about weight loss, hormone health, gut health and keeping your brain healthy!
Also, if you do the full program, you’ll get access to me and my brain inside the private Facebook group to get answers to all your questions about diet, meal planning, supplements and the latest nutrition trends.
I have specific health conditions or dietary requirements that affect the foods I can and can't eat. Will I still be able to do this program?
Yes. The CYB program is focused on showing you how to reprogram your habits and patterns around food - not on any one specific way of eating.
I'm super busy. How much time does this program take?
I'm a busy working mom so I get it! This program is designed to work with your schedule. All of the classes are available on-demand so you can work through them at your exact pace and on your schedule.
And, you get lifetime access to the whole program so you can always go back and review anything anytime - no ticking time clock.
What is your refund policy?
Because of its digital access, there are no refunds available for this program.