Totally Free!
Start Using This System Tonight!

You know how it works...

You do so well with making healthy choices all day, only to end up sabotaging all your great progress once evening rolls around. 

Despite having all the best intentions that morning, by the time the sun sets you feel like your willpower tank is dry and all you want to do is relax on the couch with your treats.

Treats at night are totally fine every now and then, but when it becomes a nightly habit and you feel like you can’t stop? Now we have a problem. It makes it impossible for you to ever reach your goals or maintain the kind of healthy lifestyle you want for yourself.

And you’re not alone. Night-time snacking is – hands down - the number one topic I get asked about. 
You know how it works...

You do so well with making healthy choices all day, only to end up sabotaging all your great progress once evening rolls around. 

Despite having all the best intentions that morning, by the time the sun sets you feel like your willpower tank is dry and all you want to do is relax on the couch with your treats.

Treats at night are totally fine every now and then, but when it becomes a nightly habit and you feel like you can’t stop? Now we have a problem. It makes it impossible for you to ever reach your goals or maintain the kind of healthy lifestyle you want for yourself.

And you’re not alone. Night-time snacking is – hands down - the number one topic I get asked about. 
I’ve taken the most effective tools I use with clients and distilled them down into the 
quit night-time snacking: 
5-minute Habit Breaker!
With this easy-to-follow guide you’re going to discover a simple 5-minute solution to help you end your night-time snacking habit for good, without feeling frustrated or deprived.

Download it now for FREE and 
start putting it to work tonight!


in just 5 minutes you're going to...
shift your craving

 With an easy trick to immediately shift your focus from those tempting snacks, back to your long-term goals
reframe the "treat"
Through a simple set of questions you can ask yourself or journal with that will help you quickly reframe the situation and make those “treats” far less appealing 
tap into new willpower!
Thanks to a targeted journal prompt that will help you start to actually crave the healthier choice!

When you put this 5-minute habit breaker to work, you’re going to have the tools you never had before to help you break this frustrating habit of night-time snacking that keeps sabotaging all your best efforts to stay on track!
start tonight!
HI there
I’m a nutritionist and author of the book, Turning Off The Tap: Overcoming The Real Reasons We Overeat. 

People call me, “the nutritionist who never talks about food,” because I don’t create meal plans, post recipes or talk about protein grams or calories. 

Instead, I help my students reprogram and rewire the way their brains think about food so they can stay consistent with healthy eating habits and self care, truly nourish their bodies and finally reach their long-term goals. 
HI there
I’m a nutritionist and author of the book, Turning Off The Tap: Overcoming The Real Reasons We Overeat. 

People call me, “the nutritionist who never talks about food,” because I don’t create meal plans, post recipes or talk about protein grams or calories. 

Instead, I help my students reprogram and rewire the way their brains think about food so they can stay consistent with healthy eating habits and self care, truly nourish their bodies and finally reach their long-term goals.